Scarlet Rose – I feel so incredibly blessed for all the amazing opportunities
Hi everyone! My name is Scarlet Rose, I’m from Belgium and have been happily roaming our planet earth for about 31 years. I live near the sea on a little farm, together with 2 horses and 4 cats, noticeably, I am passionate about animals and I’m a real cat lady!
I work as a train attendant for the Belgian’s national rail company where I am responsible for the safety of the passengers, the train ride, ticket control and more. It sure is a fascinating job and I enjoy it a lot but as any job I tend to enjoy some days less then others, but I’m happy.

I’ve been doing alternative modeling for 3 years now, since June 2012. It’s like a hobby gone crazy, I never thought it would take me to where I am now! I feel so incredibly blessed for all the amazing opportunities I’ve gotten and there’s more to come.
I would like to take the chance to thank EVERYONE whom I have worked with, some people became very dear to me and are in my heart forever, also my fans and the people who support me, without you I’m nothing! I even met one of my best friends, Kajko Von Enstein, who’s also a model and photographer and an amazing accessory and latex clothing designer, make sure to check out her work.
Starting with only pinup inspired shoots, I felt I could do more then just this kind of theme, I wanted to extend my boundaries and be so much more. I’ve already had such a great time as a model and I am thrilled to continue this awesome adventure. I actually hate the term “model”… Kate Moss is a model, I just love expressing myself trough photographs. I don’t really know where this adventure is taking me but as long as I can keep doing what I do and enjoy it to the max, I’m in this game.
People often look surprised when they find out I’m 31 and rocking it, which is pretty funny if you think about it, since I’m considered too old to be a regular model. I’m really looking into going more towards Fetish themed shoots in the future, but then again, who knows what this wonderful experience will bring me 🙂

I have also had the honor to feature in 2 music video’s shots and directed by my super talented friend Malika MAria At Work, one was actually made for a really well known and brilliant techno producer, Rebekah. Make sure to check out Malika Maria’s work, she is AMAZING!
When I’m not busy with my job my hobbies and interests include traveling, nature, cooking, taking care of my animals, hanging with friends, caring for my family, road trips and astronomy… The things that make me happiest in life are my beloved ones, laughing, discovering new things, making someone happy and having positive people around me. I love everything about nature, I’m also an astronomy amateur, and soon I’ll be starting to do some astro photography. For me, watching the stars for hours on end is one of the best things in life, as well as being with my beloved ones; my family, my friends and my animals. Without them, I’m not even close to anything. Enjoying my horses, my cats and being in my big garden, which is my sanctuary where I can escape the chaos of life, is what also makes my life complete.
I will always remember and cherish where I came from and what I’ve had to work with and what I have to come home to, yes its important to stay down to earth, to NOT feel yourself better then others, because an ugly inside dominates a beautiful outside. I am eternally grateful for the life I’ve been given and having and the amazing opportunities I’ve had and everything that is ahead of me.
Scarlet Rose | | Herman Vercammen Photography