Miss Obscene – Different but Neat, I love pastels and cute things
What’s your background in modelling? I have been modelling for 4 years now and have been internationally published in many magazines. I do a broad range of styles from high fashion, Bridal, cat walk, boudoir and many more.
Who are some of your favorite models and designers, and why? Would have to be Kate Moss, Razor Candi And Jeffrey star they’re amazing I admire their style and make up!

What’s your fashion mantra? I go with the flow and the things I like and not worrying about the latest trends. My style changes but it’s mine and I own it.
How would you describe your style? Different but Neat, I love pastels and cute things, I like to mix it up and don’t really stick to the fashion trends I wear what I like. Also the same goes for my hair it’s never the same color for long.
Out of all your photos the photographers took of you, which is your favorite? This is tough! They are all my favorite.
What do you dislike about modelling? Nothing really! Its always a different experience with each job!
How do you prepare for a modeling shoot? It depends on the job as to how I would prepare for example if I was hired to model for a catalogue I would make sure eyebrows nails and hair were all maintained and neat and a clean face for when I arrived.
Who are some of your favorite photographers? Kat Attack, Keith sell, Dean Goodwin, and A&C Photography to name a few.
How has modeling changed other aspects of your life? It hasn’t really at all to be honest I get a lot of positive feedback from family and friends which is great.
Do you do your own hair and makeup? Again this will depend on the job. But normally no I wouldn’t if it was a paid job unless asked to but I do love doing my own make up. gives me a chance to be outlandish and push myself. And I love to be creative and get to express that in my makeup.
Anything else you’d like to say? I’d just like to thank everyone for their support! You guys rock!