Jessica Rabbit – I am the first cosplayer model in Macedonia
I am the first cosplayer model in Macedonia, but I cosplayed for a long time for Aprils Fool, Halloween, Japanorama etc. I love creating costumes and DIY is something I really enjoy. It’s fun being the character you love. Challenging but amazing. From the beginning all the people around me were skeptic and discouraging me. But I was determined to do it.

Macedonia is a small country and people usually don’t support new things and change comes with a slight fear around here. But after I did it I got an awesome feedback from all of the people watching anime and sci-fi movies and especially of those loving comic books and super heroes. It was amazing.

I also got a lot of abroad support because I was doing characters that I loved but that weren’t cosplayed as much as they should be. For example Moira O’Hara was shared on almost every fan page for American Horror Story out there.
— Martina Dimoska