Kitty Quinzell – I love that I can make my minds dreams into reality
I’ve been modelling for 6 years altogether and 3 years as a professional. I started modelling after winning a local modelling competition and got my hair cropped short in my trademark style. I now do it for the artistic output, I love that I can make my minds dreams into reality, I was never very artistically talented but I always had a creative mind. What I like about art is that’s it’s subject to opinion, people see different things in it, you can attach personal meaning to it and other people will interpret their own into it. It’s fun to play on that.

I am influenced by all sorts of thing for my concepts, I try to look outside of already existing photography as I have no wish to reproduce that which already exists. I look at films, books, paintings and songs for interest, I do use Pinterest to mood board but I have a good idea in my head of what I want first, then I go and find the different elements needed to create it.
I’m referred to as the chameleon, it’s because I become different characters for shoots and adapt to different environments. That’s why I look so different from picture to picture – I don’t just pretend to be something, I immerse myself in it, kind of like an actress I guess. If there is an emotion I want to portray I let myself feel it, for example if I want my eyes to light up, I’ll think of something that makes me really happy, if I want to appear serene, I’ll play a really chilled out song in my head. It’s something that’s always come quite naturally to me.

In terms of who artists who inspire me, I love the work of Helmut Newton, Gregory Crewdson, Luke Woodford, Kirsty Mitchell and Brooke Shaden – all very different from one another but then that’s what I’m like too, I have many different sides to me.
In terms of what I do when I’m not modelling, well I love to customize t-shirts by racer backing them, I find when I go to music festivals and concerts, that the extra large t-shirts a are the only ones left when I get round to buying them, but it doesn’t matter because I can make them fit me by customizing them, It’s pretty cool! Other than that, I love to sing, I have really bad stage fright though which is weird seeing as I’m perfectly cool with being naked in front of people! Maybe some day I’ll have the confidence to put something on the web, who knows?
I probably come across as quite a crazy, kooky kind of girl to most people. I have once or twice had people that were scared to meet me which I found amusing. I am a little bit of an odd ball, obsessed with word puns, with a love for retro games and cartoons. You’d most likely find me watching batman the animated series with a chicken kiev pizza and a mug of tea, rock and roll!